
How to automate WhatsApp messages using Python

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 How to automate WhatsApp messages using Python

You can use the pywhatkit library to schedule and send messages through WhatsApp. This library uses the API to send messages, so you'll need to have WhatsApp Web open in your browser in order for it to work.

Here's an example of how you can use pywhatkit to send a message through WhatsApp:

import pywhatkit

# Schedule a message to be sent at a certain time
pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("HH:MM:SS", "Phone Number or Contact Name", "Your message", "YYYY", "MM", "DD")

# Send a message immediately
pywhatkit.sendwhatmsgnow("Phone Number or Contact Name", "Your message")

Keep in mind that using this library to send automated messages may violate the terms of service for WhatsApp. It's always a good idea to check the terms of service before using any service in an automated or unexpected way.

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