
how to make rubber ducky usb script?

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 how to make rubber ducky usb script?

A Rubber Ducky USB is a type of device that resembles a normal USB flash drive, but it is actually a HID (Human Interface Device) that can be programmed to type commands into a computer when it is plugged in.

To create a script for a Rubber Ducky USB, you will need to:

  1. First, create a text file using a text editor such as Notepad or Sublime Text.

  2. Enter the commands that you want the Rubber Ducky USB to execute into the text file. The Rubber Ducky uses a special syntax for its commands, which is based on the Java programming language.

  3. Save the text file with a .txt extension and then rename the file to inject.bin

  4. Finally, copy the inject.bin file onto the Rubber Ducky USB. When the Rubber Ducky is plugged into a computer, it will automatically execute the commands in the inject.bin file.

Here is an example of a simple Rubber Ducky script that types "Hello, World!" into the active window:

DELAY 1000
STRING Hello, World!

This script will wait for 1 second (1000 milliseconds) after it is plugged in, press the "Windows" key and the "r" key to open the "Run" dialog, wait for 200 milliseconds, type the string "Hello, World!", and then press the "Enter" key to execute the command.

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