AWS CodePipeline සහ CodeDeploy භාවිතයෙන් React Application එක EC2 එකට Deploy කිරීම

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React Application එකක් AWS EC2 එකට dist/ folder එක විතරක් deploy කරලා run කරන ආකාරය පහත පියවර අනුව විස්තර කරමි.

🔧 AWS Architecture Overview

  • GitHub Repository → React Source Code
  • AWS CodeBuildnpm install && npm run build (Creates dist/ folder)
  • AWS CodeDeploy → Deploys dist/ folder to EC2 → /var/www/html
  • EC2 Instance → Nginx/Apache to serve the React app

💡 Step 1: AWS CodePipeline එකක් සකසා ගනිමු

  1. AWS Console → CodePipeline → Create Pipeline
  2. Pipeline Namereact-app-pipeline
  3. RoleCreate new role
  4. S3 Bucket → Select default S3 bucket
  5. Click Next

💡 Step 2: GitHub Repository එක Source එකක් Connect කිරීම

  1. Source ProviderGitHub
  2. Connect GitHub → Authenticate (Allow AWS to access repo)
  3. Select RepositoryYour GitHub repo
  4. Branch Name → Example: main
  5. Output Artifact NameSourceArtifact
  6. Click Next

💡 Step 3: AWS CodeBuild සකසා ගැනීම

  1. Build ProviderAWS CodeBuild
  2. Click Create New Build Project
  3. Project Namereact-app-build
  4. Environment:
    • OSUbuntu
    • RuntimeStandard
    • Imageaws/codebuild/standard:latest
    • Service RoleCreate new role
  5. Buildspec file → Select Use a buildspec file
  6. Click Create Build Project
  7. Go back to CodePipeline and Click Next

💡 Step 4: AWS CodeDeploy සකසා ගැනීම

  1. Deploy ProviderAWS CodeDeploy
  2. Application Namereact-app-deploy
  3. Deployment Group Namereact-app-group
  4. Select EC2 InstanceEnsure EC2 instance has CodeDeploy agent installed
  5. Click Next → Create Pipeline

💡 Step 5: buildspec.yml එක GitHub Repo එකට එකතු කිරීම

GitHub repo එකේ buildspec.yml කියලා file එකක් හදලා පහත content එක එක් කරන්න:

version: 0.2

      nodejs: latest
      - echo Installing dependencies...
      - npm install
      - echo Building the React app...
      - npm run build
      - echo Build complete!
    - '**/*'
  base-directory: build/

💡 Step 6: appspec.yml එක GitHub Repo එකට එකතු කිරීම

GitHub repo එකේ appspec.yml කියලා file එකක් හදලා පහත content එක එක් කරන්න:

version: 0.0
os: linux
  - source: /
    destination: /var/www/html
  - object: /var/www/html
    owner: ec2-user
    group: ec2-user
    mode: 755
    - location: scripts/
      timeout: 300
      runas: root

💡 Step 7: Restart Script එක එක් කිරීම (Nginx)

GitHub repo එකේ scripts/ කියලා folder එකක් හදලා පහත content එක එක් කරන්න:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Then give it execute permission:

chmod +x scripts/

💡 Step 8: GitHub Repo එක Push කිරීම

git add .
git commit -m "Added buildspec and appspec files for React app"
git push origin main

💡 Step 9: EC2 Server එකේ Nginx Setup කිරීම

  1. EC2 Instance එකට Login වීම
ssh -i "your-key.pem" ec2-user@your-ec2-ip
  1. Nginx Install කිරීම
sudo yum install nginx -y
  1. Nginx Config File එක Edit කිරීම
sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  1. මේක add කරන්න (server block එක)
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name your-ec2-ip;

    location / {
        root /var/www/html;
        index index.html;
        try_files $uri /index.html;
  1. Nginx Restart කිරීම
sudo systemctl restart nginx

🚀 Step 10: Pipeline එක Run කරලා Deploy කිරීම!

AWS Console → CodePipeline → Release Change

GitHub Repo → React Source CodeCodeBuild → npm run buildbuild/ folder create වෙයිCodeDeploy → build/ folder එක /var/www/html copy කරයිNginx restart කරලා React App එක serve කරයි

Browser එකේ http://your-ec2-ip එකට ගිහින් React App එක check කරන්න! 🎉

🌟 Done!

දැන් ඔයා GitHub Repo එකට push කලම, React App එක AWS EC2 එකට Auto Deploy වෙයි! 🚀

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