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GitHub Actions භාවිතයෙන් Vercel Deployment Pipeline එකක් සාදමු

Continuous Deployment (CD) පිළිබඳව කතා කරද්දී,  GitHub Actions  සහ  Vercel  යන දෙකේ සංයුක්ත භාවිතය ඉතා ජනප්‍රියයි. මේ මගින් අපේ  Next.js / React.js /…

What is SMB enumeration?

SMB Enumeration SMB (Server Message Block) enumeration is a type of attack in which an attacker attempts to enumerate the resources on a target SMB …

How to build your first blockchain on Substrate?

How to build your first blockchain on Substrate? To build a blockchain on Substrate, you will need to do the following: Install Substrate: Follow t…

How to automate WhatsApp messages using Python

How to automate WhatsApp messages using Python You can use the  pywhatkit  library to schedule and send messages through WhatsApp. This library uses…

How to write a program to automatically connect to a wifi?

How to write a program to automatically connect to a wifi? To write a program to automatically connect to a WiFi network, you will need to use a pro…

how to make rubber ducky usb script?

how to make rubber ducky usb script? A Rubber Ducky USB is a type of device that resembles a normal USB flash drive, but it is actually a HID (Human…

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